Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Great Diet Experiment

Welcome one, welcome all! I'm starting this blog for three reasons 1) to help keep me accountable (even though I realize that I have no one else reading this right now) 2) have a place to keep track of all the knowledge I'm gaining. 3) share good vegan, gluten-free, sugar free recipes with the world. Tomorrow will be DAY 1 of my 21 day Evolve cleanse. This cleanse is based on The Quantum Wellness Cleanse by Kathy Freston. In this book she outlines "the big 5" food categories that our bodies benefit taking a break from. These 5 things that I will be given up for the next 21 days are 1) Gluten 2) Caffeine 3) Animal products 4) Sugar and 5) Alcohol I know this is going to be hard. My yoga instructor who is leading this cleanse asked today why we all decided to join. My answer, curiosity. I want to know how my body will free free of all these foods. Will I have clearer skin? More energy? Less stomach problems? Loose weight? (Although that last one would just be a happy by-product) And the question that fuels most of my curiosity... Can I do it?